Mark Your Calendars for Pledge Plaid, Oct. 23 - 24. Pledge Plaid is Heathwood's annual celebration of giving to the school's Annual Fund. Learn more.

Senior Liam Quan Selected as Chief Justice at National Judicial Competition

Heathwood senior Liam Quan attained the highest position among a very select group of students when he was selected as Chief Justice of the National Judicial Competition this summer.

Held in Minneapolis the week of August 1-4, the invitation-only competition brought together the most elite mock trial participants from last fall's state Youth in Government programs. Liam's strong performance at South Carolina YIG earned him a spot at the NJC -- where, once again, his strong performance earned him significant recognition.

"For Liam to be chosen as the Chief Justice at the NJC final round is a huge honor," said Upper School Government Teacher Julie Firetag, who leads Heathwood's YIG delegation each year. "He is the best of the best from across the country!"

Sponsored by the YMCA, Youth In Government is a nationwide civic engagement and servant leadership program that provides students in middle school, high school, and college with the opportunity to represent and serve their communities through model government, leadership and professional development, advocacy, and service-learning. More than 55,000 students take part each year.