Mark Your Calendars for Pledge Plaid, Oct. 23 - 24. Pledge Plaid is Heathwood's annual celebration of giving to the school's Annual Fund. Learn more.

Heathwood Hall Signature Programs

We never miss an opportunity to ignite a lifelong love of learning. Different signature programs, offered in different stages of development, allow children the freedom to explore their unique interests as they develop over time.


PEAK is our signature outdoor leadership and adventure program which provides students of all ages hands-on opportunities in wilderness exploration, environmental education, and leadership development. 

Senior Exhibition

Senior Exhibition is a yearlong, scholarly research project required of every Heathwood senior. Students write a paper on the topic of their choosing, and demonstrate mastery of their topic with a public presentation.

Community Service

Through their work on service projects in every grade level, students learn about how they can participate in and improve our community.

Mindful in the Hall

Research suggests that for adolescents, enhanced mindfulness is one of the most productive paths toward both academic success and overall wellbeing. Our unique mindfulness training for middle schoolers supports self-management, self-awareness, social awareness, relationships, and responsible decision making.


A week-long experiential learning program allows Upper School students to pursue an interest that broadens their educational experience. Students may complete internships, perform community service, or travel nationally or internationally.

Refresh and Reflect Week

Each spring, Middle School students take a week to reflect on their accomplishments thus far and enjoy fun, enriching activities that will help them to become refreshed and ready to finish strong during the last quarter of the school year. This week's sessions focus on self-reflection, service to the community, and life skills while offering a fun surprise at the end of the week.


Each spring, the Lower School celebrates LEAP Week (Learning, Engagement, Action, Possibilities). During the week, the regular curriculum is suspended for part of the day to give students the opportunity to explore other interests and discover new passions. 

Habitat Day

Learning in nature is a crucial element of the Heathwood experience. Habitat Day allows Early Childhood students to study nature in the five habitats we have here on campus—pond, field, wetlands, forest, and river—and complete a project that culminates in a presentation to their families. 

See for yourself.

The best way to experience Heathwood is to tour our campus and talk to our teachers.